FANTON3 Annotation Strategy (transcript description)

Annotation pipelines for transcript description

FANTOM3 Annotation Strategy (GO term)

Annotation pipelines for transcript description

Annotation Items

annotation category annotation item description
chimeric clone status Chimeric clone status Chimeric clone or not
Chimeric clone note Note about the chimeric clone status
reverse clone status Reverse clone status Reverse clone or not
Reverse clone note Note about the reverse clone status
CDS CDS Location of CDS on transcript, existence of frameshift errors and unexpected stop codons
CDS status CDS status (immature, polycistronic, mitochondrial, selenoprotein)
CDS note Note about the CDS
Transcript description Transcript description a brief explanation about the transcript
Transcript symbol symbol of the transcript
Transcript synonyms synonyms of the transcript
Transcript description note Note about the transcript description
GO assignment GO assignment Assigned GO terms
GO assignment note Note about the GO assignment