Representative Transcript and Protein Sets [RTS: Representative Transcript Set] rts-transcripts.fasta: Representative transcript sequences Fasta file (header) >[RepTransID] [Nucleotide SeqID] [NT Length] [Definition] RepTransID: Identifier assigned to each representative transcript Nucleotide SeqID: gb=(GenBank or RefSeq accession) or ri=(RIKEN Clone ID) NT Length: length=(NT length) Definition: GenBank, RefSeq or FANTOM2 definition of the sequence rts-transcripts.txt: Representative transcript information Tab-delimited text file 1. Rep Trans ID 2. Nucleotide SeqID 3. RIKEN Clone ID 4. Description line from GenBank or RefSeq, or if a FANTOM2 sequence is selected, the Curated Gene Name 5. NT Length 6. MGI ID 7. LocusLink ID 8. MGI Gene Symbol 9. MGI Gene Name [RPS: Representative Protein Set] rps-proteins.fasta: Representative protein sequences Fasta file (header) >[RepProteinID] [Protein SeqID] [CDS Length] [Definition] RepProteinID: Identifier assigned to each representative protein Protein SeqID: spid=(SWISS-PROT accession), gp=(GenPept/RefSeq-NP accession) or ri=(RIKEN Clone ID) CDS Length: cdslen=(CDS length) Definition: SWISS-PROT, GenPept, RefSeq or FANTOM2 definition rps-proteins.txt: Representative protein information Tab-delimited text file 1. Rep Protein ID 2. Protein SeqID 3. RIKEN Clone ID 4. Description line from GenBank or RefSeq, or if a FANTOM2 sequence is selected, the Curated Gene Name 5. CDS Length 6. MGI ID 7. LocusLink ID 8. MGI Gene Symbol 9. MGI Gene Name [VPS: Variant-based representative Protein Set] vps-proteins.fasta: Variant-based representative protein sequences Fasta file (header) >[VPS ProteinID] [Protein SeqID] [CDS Length] [Definition] VPSProteinID: Identifier assigned to each variant-based representative protein Protein SeqID: spid=(SWISS-PROT accession), gp=(GenPept/RefSeq-NP accession) ri=(RIKEN Clone ID) rps=(Rep Prot ID) (spid=.. , gp=.. or ri=..) CDS Length: cdslen=(CDS length) Definition: SWISS-PROT, GenPept, RefSeq or FANTOM2 definition vps-proteins.txt: Variant-baesd representative protein information Tab-delimited text file 1. VPS Protein ID 2. Protein SeqID 3. RIKEN Clone ID 4. Description line from GenBank or RefSeq, or if a FANTOM2 sequence is selected, the Curated Gene Name 5. CDS Length 6. MGI ID 7. LocusLink ID 8. MGI Gene Symbol 9. MGI Gene Name [Additional Information] allseqs.txt: 1. Representative Transcript ID (T#*) (Rep Trans ID) 2. SeqID (GenBank/RefSeq Accession) of Representative Transcript 3. FANTOM2 Clone ID of Representative Transcript (if FANTOM2 clone) 4. Representative Protein ID (P#*) (Rep Protein ID) 5. SeqID (GenPept/RefSeq/SwissProt Accession) of Rep Protein 6. FANTOM2 Clone ID of Representative Protein (if FANTOM2 clone) 7. All SeqIDs (GenBank/RefSeq Accession) in the TU 8. All FANTOM1 Clone IDs in the TU 9. All FANTOM2-new Clone IDs in the TU