Basic CAGE Technology
A method for genome-wide identification of transcription start sites, used in FANTOM3.
A powerful application for next generation sequencing, used in FANTOM4.
nanoCAGE and CAGEscan
The two new methods developed to extend the capabilities of CAGE technology, used in FANTOM5.
Full-length cDNA technology
This is a series of technologies developed by RIKEN for preparing full-length cDNA. Extension, selection, normalization, and new cloning vectors have been developed and are being applied in many fields. Used in FANTOM1,2 and 3.
A new gene expression technique adapted for single molecule sequencing to accurately and quantitatively measure gene expression levels using only 100 nanograms of total RNA. Used in FANTOM5.
single strand (ss)CAGE
This is a simplified protocol compatible with Illumina HiSeq2500 that further increases the accuracy and depth of the conventional CAGE method, mainly used in FANTOM6 phase I and phase II.