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Latest revision as of 13:44, 27 June 2012

Name:adenohypophyseal placode
Definition:"The adenohypophyseal placode forms the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and gives rise to the endocrine secretory cells of the pituitary" [1]


Synonyms: "pituitary placode" RELATED [ZFA:0001198]
Comments:Editor notes: consider adding more detailed spatial placement - e.g. oral ectoderm and/or rostal ectoderm. Addtional notes: Fate-mapping studies in amphibian, chick and mouse embryos (Eagleson et al., 1986; 1995; Couly and Le Douarin, 1985; Cobos et al., 2001; Osumi-Yamachita et al., 1994; Kawamura et al., 2002) have shown that the cells contributing to the adenohypophysis develop at the midline of the anterior neural ridge, which delineates the rostral boundary of the neural plate, a region devoid of neural crest. The anterior neural ridge also gives rise to the olfactory placodes and some forebrain tissues including the olfactory bulbs (reviewed in Papalopulu, 1995). Ablation of this region in chick embryos at the 2-4 somite stage confirmed these lineage analyses as it prevented formation of Rathke遯カ蜀ア pouch and any further pituitary development (elAmraoui and Dubois, 1993). Upon head folding, the oral ectoderm cells of the adenohypophyseal placode invaginate towards the prospective ventral diencephalon to form Rathke遯カ蜀ア pouch, the anlage of the adenohypophysis. Rathke遯カ蜀ア pouch starts as an invagination of the oral ectoderm in response to inductive signals from the prospective diencephalon. The region of the diencephalon above the pouch is known as the infundibulum and forms the posterior lobe of the pituitary or neurohypohysis (Figure 3). While in most basal fish and tetrapods the adenohypophyseal anlagen invaginates to form Rathke遯カ蜀ア pouch, in teleost fish the adenohypophyseal placode does not invaginate but rather maintains its initial organization forming a solid structure in the head (reviewed in Pogoda and Hammerschmidt; 2009)

Ontology association<br>Each term has an is_a parent in the Uberon Ontology, which has a linkage to an another entity and FANTOM5 samples.Libraries were grouped into mutually exclusive facets according to the FANTOM5 sample ontology mapping to UBERON ontologies.<br><br>link to ontology dataset<br>data


is_a:UBERON:0002546(cranial placode)
develops_from:UBERON:0005497(non-neural ectoderm)


develops from:UBERON:0002196 (adenohypophysis),UBERON:0005356 (Rathke's pouch)

Ontology Tree: Loaded from BioPortal

Ontorolgy tree(Small window open)

FF samples<br>It includes FANTOM5 samples that overlay the Uberon ontology

Enrichment analysis: top 100 FFCP enriched with this ontology term TOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with UBERON:0009122 (adenohypophyseal placode), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji<br><br>link to source dataset <br>human : data <br>mouse : data

No analysis results