Full Name: CNhs12013_bu_f2
Motif matrix
PO | A | C | G | T | 1 | 790.6165014907067 | 217.10478399199732 | 597.7635152038288 | 356.54005549770676 | 2 | 618.1042488700143 | 134.24863550575242 | 1126.6682060705643 | 83.00376573790751 | 3 | 807.9856721295032 | 57.886022248223654 | 891.3542501209417 | 204.79891168557074 | 4 | 513.4906975528855 | 90.05106152027666 | 1286.5507866023847 | 71.9323105086915 | 5 | 550.1810603611797 | 590.7802506199738 | 743.9876015705466 | 77.07594363254034 | 6 | 0.0 | 1962.0248561842377 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 7 | 1962.0248561842377 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 8 | 28.16524946761912 | 3.57574479314301 | 1926.6921738505566 | 3.591688072918794 | 9 | 755.4847750957617 | 345.3025319157416 | 791.4936608356726 | 69.74388833706348 | 10 | 929.0842614667048 | 209.62906003989056 | 653.5386337928021 | 169.77290088484028 | 11 | 480.04112527571203 | 169.39144426573992 | 1030.1888363079854 | 282.4034503348017 | 12 | 596.282515025393 | 425.8968132410124 | 712.7421548886063 | 227.10337302922872 |
Sample specificity
The values shown are the p-values of the motif in FANTOM5 samples. <br>Analyst: Michiel de Hoon
TomTom analysis
<br>Analyst: Michiel de Hoon and Hiroko Ohmiya
No results for this motif