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Phase1 CAGE Peaks

 Short description

Enriched pathways on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b><br>Canonical pathway gene sets were compiled from Reactome, Wikipathways and KEGG. For the major signaling pathways, the transcriptionally-regulated genes (downstream targets) were obtained from Netpath. Combined, the canonical pathways and downstream targets totaled 489 human gene sets. The corresponding M. musculus gene sets were inferred by homology using the HomoloGene database. Enrichment for each of the canonical 489 pathways and gene sets included in the co-expression cluster was assessed by the hypergeometric probability. The resulting P values were also then adjusted by the Benjamini-Hochberg method for multiple comparisons.<br><b>Analyst: </b>Emmanuel Dimont<br><br>link to source dataset<br>data

GO IDGO nameFDR corrected p-value
GO:0060157urinary bladder development0.0227907741193229
GO:0007499ectoderm and mesoderm interaction0.0227907741193229
GO:0030353fibroblast growth factor receptor antagonist activity0.0256227681126851
GO:0005152interleukin-1 receptor antagonist activity0.0256227681126851
GO:0048745smooth muscle development0.0256227681126851
GO:0048019receptor antagonist activity0.0256227681126851
GO:0030547receptor inhibitor activity0.0256227681126851
GO:0030859polarized epithelial cell differentiation0.0256227681126851
GO:0001736establishment of planar polarity0.0256227681126851
GO:0007164establishment of tissue polarity0.0256227681126851
GO:0002347response to tumor cell0.0256227681126851
GO:0030545receptor regulator activity0.0256227681126851
GO:0007267cell-cell signaling0.0256227681126851
GO:0010464regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation0.0256227681126851
GO:0002053positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation0.0256227681126851
GO:0010463mesenchymal cell proliferation0.0256227681126851
GO:0001738morphogenesis of a polarized epithelium0.0294697120049581
GO:0005149interleukin-1 receptor binding0.0303602380595734
GO:0030308negative regulation of cell growth0.031156630686983
GO:0031069hair follicle morphogenesis0.0318730099422934
GO:0045792negative regulation of cell size0.039307685169038
GO:0005104fibroblast growth factor receptor binding0.039307685169038
GO:0030216keratinocyte differentiation0.0436033990801299
GO:0030073insulin secretion0.0436033990801299
GO:0045926negative regulation of growth0.0440452218976995
GO:0004672protein kinase activity0.0440452218976995
GO:0006468protein amino acid phosphorylation0.0454767631410165
GO:0030072peptide hormone secretion0.0454767631410165
GO:0002790peptide secretion0.0454767631410165
GO:0016773phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor0.0465059855234204
GO:0042475odontogenesis of dentine-containing teeth0.0465059855234204
GO:0030855epithelial cell differentiation0.0465059855234204
GO:0015833peptide transport0.0465059855234204
GO:0022404molting cycle process0.0465059855234204
GO:0001942hair follicle development0.0465059855234204
GO:0022405hair cycle process0.0465059855234204
GO:0007166cell surface receptor linked signal transduction0.0465059855234204
GO:0046879hormone secretion0.0465059855234204
GO:0042633hair cycle0.0465059855234204
GO:0042303molting cycle0.0465059855234204
GO:0006793phosphorus metabolic process0.0482960797623162
GO:0006796phosphate metabolic process0.0482960797623162
GO:0007498mesoderm development0.0482960797623162
GO:0048730epidermis morphogenesis0.0482960797623162
GO:0007219Notch signaling pathway0.0482960797623162

Relative expression of the co-expression cluster over median <br>Analyst:

Enriched sample ontology terms on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b>To summarize promoter activities (expression profile of a TSS region) across ~1000 samples, we performed enrichment analysis based on FANTOM5 Sample Ontology (FF ontology). The question here is “in which type of samples the promoter is more active”. To answer this question, we compared expressions (TPMs) in the samples associated with a sample ontology term and the rest of the samples by using the Mann-Whitney rank sum test. To summarize ontologies enriched in this co-expression cluster, we ran the same analysis on an averaged expression profile of all promoters that make up. <b>Analyst:</b> Hideya Kawaji <br><br>links to source dataset<br><br>cell_data<br>uberon_data<br><br>

Cell Type
Ontology termp-valuen
smooth muscle cell8.11e-123
vascular associated smooth muscle cell8.11e-123
aortic smooth muscle cell8.11e-123
smooth muscle myoblast8.11e-123

TFBS overrepresentation<b>Summary:</b>The values shown are the p-values for overrepresentation of the motif in this coexpression cluster. So a small p-value means a strong overrepresentation. <b>Analyst:</b> Michiel de Hoon <br><br>link to source data <br> Novel motifs <br>data <br><br> Jaspar motifs <br>data

Novel motifs

JASPAR motifs

